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Tact/Buff Project


Epithermal, structurally-fed gold system developing each of sediment hosted “Carlin type”, skarn, and vein-hosted mineralization.

The property is located in Buffalo Valley / Buffalo Mountain, Humboldt County, Nevada approximately 20 miles west-northwest of Battle Mountain, Nevada. The property lies along the Battle Mountain-Eureka Gold Trend of northern Nevada approximately six miles west of Goldcorp Inc-Barrick’s Marigold mine (>3 million oz Au production), four miles southwest of Newmont Mining’s Lone Tree gold mine (>2 million oz production), and two miles west of International Mineral’s Converse- Red Line gold deposit (>3 million oz gold resource).

196 unpatented lode mining claims, approximately 4,000 acres. Tact - T claims: 120 claims in sections 2, 12, 14, 24, and 26, T33N, R41E. Buff claims: 26 claims in section 32, T34N, R42E.

The current 51 claim package was consolidated by Nevada Mine Properties over an approximate 20 year period. Exploration has been carried out “piece-meal” fashion by different groups, some drill testing structure and / or geochem in the uplands, others drill testing geophysical signatures under gravel cover. NMP has collected and consolidated nearly all historical data, available for review.


  • TACT: ca. early 1980’s: Santa Fe Pacific Mining identified a 400,000 ton @ 0.046 opt Au resource in NW ¼ Sec. 6, T33N, R42E (Newmont private land) along the range front, approximately one mile east of the Tact claims, midway between Tact and Buff claims. 1990’s-2009: in section 2 on the Tact claims, drilling by Universal Uranium Ltd intercepted 0.857 g/t Au / 30’ (15’-45’) including 1.63 g/t Au /10’, never followed up, open in three directions. Earlier soil sampling returned samples up to 1 g/t Au, several remain untested, including stibnite bunches and streaks.
  • BUFF: ca. early 1980’s: Wide spaced drilling by Brass Ring Resources, Pathfinder Gold, and Minefinders Inc; much of the claim block has not been tested.

Tact claims (section 2) and west portion of Buff claims are underlain by Pennsylvanian-Permian Havallah Formation sediments (quartzites, limestones, cherts) as roof pendants, commonly hornfelsed and intruded by a Jurassic quartz monzonite sill. The sill is faulted and sheared by low and high angle quartz-veined, iron stained structures up to 100’ wide locally containing massive knots of stibnite.

East of the Tact claims in section 1 (Newmont mineral rights) Havallah shales and siltstones host a small resource grading 0.044 opt (1.51 ppm) gold. These sediments can be traced and continue for over a mile northeasterly into the Buff claims (T34N, R42E Section 32).

Mines and prospects in Buffalo Valley are aligned along three major structural fabrics within the regional northwest Battle Mountain-Eureka Gold Trend:

  • the north-south Lone Tree mine structural trend which is mapped and partially tested
  • the northeast range front structure running through the Tact and Buff claims, hosting the 400,000 ton resource grading 0.044 opt (1.51 ppm) gold between Tact and Buff
  • • northwest, iron stained shears on the section 2 Tact claims hosting drill intercepts to 0.856 g/t Au / 30’

Gold mineralization is structurally fed, resulting in:

  • t“Carlin type” sediment hosted deposits (400,000 ton resource in section 1 between Tact and Buff)
  • Commonly, vein and vein-fed dikes and quartz shears containing elevated to anomalous gold in drill tests within all five sections and ore grade gold from drilling in section 2

Tact Property Photos Tact Property Photos
Tact Property Photos Tact Property Photos
Tact Property Photos  

Tact claims (section 2) and west portion of Buff claims are underlain by  Pennsylvanian-Permian Havallah Formation sediments (quartzites, limestones, cherts) as roof pendants, commonly hornfelsed and intruded by a Jurassic quartz monzonite sill.   The sill is faulted and sheared by low and high angle quartz-veined, iron stained structures up to 100’ wide locally containing massive knots of stibnite.

 Tact claims (section 12) and T claims (sections 14, 24, 26) are gravel-covered with limited intrusive (section 12) and Havallah sediment exposures on the T claims.

East of the Tact claims in section 1 (Newmont mineral rights) Havallah shales and siltstones host a 400,000 ton resource grading 0.044 opt (1.51 ppm) gold.  These sediments can be traced and continue for over a mile northeasterly into the Buff claims (T34N, R42E Section 32). 

Mines and prospects in Buffalo Valley are aligned along three major structural fabrics within the regional northwest Battle Mountain-Eureka Gold Trend:

  • the north-south Lone Tree mine structural trend which is mapped and partially tested in sections 14, 24, and 26
  • the northeast range front structure running through the Tact and Buff claims, hosting the 400,000 ton resource grading 0.044 opt (1.51 ppm) gold between Tact and Buff
  • northwest, iron stained shears on the section 2 Tact claims hosting drill intercepts to  0.856 g/t Au / 30’

Gold mineralization is structurally fed, resulting in:

  • “Carlin type” sediment hosted deposits (400,000 ton resource in section 1 between Tact and Buff)
  • Skarn mineralization recognized in section 2-Tact drill intercepts and reported in section 26 similar to the nearby Converse-Red Line gold deposit
  • Commonly, vein and vein-fed dikes and quartz shears containing elevated to anomalous gold in drill tests within all five sections and ore grade gold from drilling in section 2  

Buff Property Photos Buff Property Photos
Buff Property Photos Buff Property Photos

Section 2, Tact claims, hosts shallow intercepts of ore grade gold open in several directions and untested soil geochemistry to 1 ppm Au. Further Follow Up:

  • Along a major northwest iron stained shear in section 2, ore grade gold in drill hole T-09-02 of 0.857 g/t Au/ 30’ (15’-45’) including 1.63 g/t Au /10’. Five hundred feet northwest, drill hole T-9-01 intersected 0.26 g/t Au/45’ and 0.339 g/t Au/35’ including 0.944 g/t over 5’.
  • Soil geochem up to 1 ppm Au in section 2, Tact, remains untested
  • In section 12, isopachs on top of gravel-covered basement are displaced abruptly indicating untested structure.
  • Elevated to anomalous gold intercepts in the Buff claims have never been followed up
  • Currently leased to Nevada Gold Mines.


Leased Properties

Royalty Positions

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